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I started knitting over ten years ago and just never stopped.

Kissing my angora baby in my #owlsweater

I grew up dreaming about runways, late night dates with a sewing machine, and walking behind my parade of models during fashion week.  So I went to school for fashion design, even though I didn't so secretly despise sewing.  I worked my butt off through pattern making, fashion design, merchandising and marketing classes, while maintaining my second major in English and a minor in Journalism (which I unfortunately had to drop due to lack of funding in that department).  But when I started to intern in fashion in New York, my interest in the industry waned. 

As a simplistic soul, I just couldn't stand all the excess in the fashion industry.   I hated the large carbon footprint, the insatiable appetite for new vs. old, and the disposability of all who worked within the industry.   I learned early on in my career that the fast life was just not for me.  The proverbial nail in the coffin happened while reporting at NYFW.  Sitting front row, and being bored, uncomfortable, and quite over it in my vintage avant-garde wool coat (which my cat ended up using as a litter box 10 years later), something had to give.


So I packed my bags and continued my journey into earning my Master's in English, and becoming a teacher before settling down into the slow country life in the Heartland.  You know you could take the girl away from fashion, but you can't take the fashion out of the girl.


This is going to make me sound quite dense, but at first, I did not see the correlation between knitting and my love for fashion.  I knitted off and on throughout my life, but I really picked it up again after the lost of my daughter Joy and the birth of The Joy Shawl.  


I thought my stint in fashion was over.  But then I started designing my own patterns, and sketching.  I broke out my old fashion books, bought new ones and began creating again.  I felt like I was finally living my dream as  a fashion designer, without the dreaded sewing machine, or excessive lifestyle.  I am able to design from my cozy country ranch, surrounded by my family.


And I love every minute of it.


xoxo Safiyyah

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